VCAN Community Education Course
Valley Clean Air Now seeks to fight for the residents of the Mon Valley who continue to suffer from severe health, economic, climate, and environmental injustice by galvanizing the community to take action through local politics, grassroots organizing, community building, education, and community health initiatives.
Our four goals for this course are to discuss Key Topics with Mon Valley residents:
the history of the environmental movement in America;
local, state and federal air quality public policies Allegheny County;
introduction to types of air monitoring equipment and their operation; and
common adverse health effects suffered by Mon Valley residents.
Free Community Education Course: Air Quality 101 for Residents of Five Boroughs (Clairton, Glassport, Lincoln, Liberty & Port Vue) Begins in late August/early September
Many local residents ask us:
How does Clairton Coke Works (CCW) make coke?
What does "environmental justice" mean?
Do we have a right to clean air in Pennsylvania?
What government agencies are responsible to monitor air pollution from all sources in the Mon Valley?
What types of air monitors are in the Mon Valley and where can I see their readings?
What types of adverse health effects are Mon Valley residents suffering?
What other non-profit organizations could I obtain air quality info from?
What is the United States Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry (ATSDR)?
What is involved in the "public health evaluation" ATSDR is conducting in conjunction with the PA Department of Health "to evaluate possible air exposures and determine the potential for harmful health effects for residents living near the CCW facility"?
As a community group many of us know, what we believe to be, accurate answers to these important questions. We always encourage discussion of these topics so we can learn more.
This Course covers these four topics:
Background of Grassroots Environmental Organizations in America
Local, State & Federal Air Quality Policies in Allegheny County
Types of Air Monitoring Equipment & Operation in Mon Valley
Adverse Health Effects Suffered by Mon Valley residents
Each week we cover one topic. There are assigned websites, texts or videos to study to prepare for two group sessions later in that week. Some sessions will be via zoom and some will be in person at our office at 282 St. Clair Avenue in Clairton. If you are interested in only one topic, you could sign up just for that week and we will try to accomodate your request.
Links below are password-protected and available to current students.