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VCAN members and friends at Community BBQ, Summer 2023, in Clairton Park. Picture by Lisa Graves -Marcucci.
Hi Everyone!
Hope you and your family will join us on Saturday, August 3, in Clairton Park. We will be providing free food and drink to enjoy the afternoon with our friends and neighbors like you. We just reserved the pavilion on Friday and will send out more info as we get it.
VCAN Vice President Johnie Perryman, VCAN Board member Art Thomas. Long Time VCAN Friend Kim Meachem and unknown VCAN friend talk at 2023 Community BBQ. VCAN President Qiyam Ansari is working the grill in the background. Picture Lisa Graves-Marcucci.
In the past year we have:
distributed over 650, free indoor air purifiers to Mon Valley residents
interviewed over 60 residents of Clairton, Glassport, Port Vue, Liberty and Lincoln to complete our Health Survey
continued to hold Board of Directors meetings, almost every week, at the First AME Church of Clairton
worked with other air quality advocates to urge Joe Biden's Environmental Protection Agency to impose finalized amendments on May 23, 2024 to update and strengthen emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (HAP) such as benzene, mercury, lead and arsenic that are emitted by coke oven facilities.
VCAN Board Treasurer Fred Bickerton and unknown VCAN friend enjoy 2023 summer Community BBQ. Photo Lisa Graves-Marcucci
For more info, contact Tom Bailey, VCAN Secretary on the VCAN phone 412.614.0227 or email If you do not want to received further emails from VCAN, send me an email. Thanks. 6-23-24
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Upcoming: Lincoln Boro Building, Tuesday, May 28 from 5 to 8 pm.
Health Survey Interviews & Air Filter Distribution/Education Event
Past News: VCAN Board & Friends Spoke to the Trust Distribution Board of the US Steel Community Benefit Trust on Thursday, May 23 at Liberty Borough Building seeking future funding for air filter distributions in Clairton, Glassport, Port Vue, Liberty and Lincoln.
Looking east at Clairton Coke Works from Clairton's Shaw Avenue in October, 2023. Photo by Tom Bailey
1.Members of the Health Survey and Air Filter Committees will be at the Lincoln Borough Building this Tuesday from 5 to 8 pm. The Lincoln Borough Building is located at 45 Abe's Way, Elizabeth, PA 15037.
Our Health Survey is only for adult residents of Liberty, Lincoln, Port Vue, Glassport and Clairton and is intended to investigate the prevalence of various health conditions in our area. Over 50 local adults have already been interviewed.
The survey includes a 30 to 45-minute in-person or phone interview. Participants’ identity, personal info, and responses will be kept anonymous. Upon completing the survey, residents will be offered a $20 gift card for their time.
VCAN Board member, Fred Bickerton, introduces Mon Valley residents as to how their new LeVoit air purifier will clean their indoor air at our Clairton Distribution Event on February, 16, 2024. Photo by Tom Bailey
Fred Bickerton said "this will be VCAN's first, free air filter distribution in both Liberty or Lincoln Boroughs." VCAN has received private grant money to purchase air filters. Residents complete an air filter request form and return that form to Fred. So far, VCAN has distributed over 500 air filters to Mon Valley residents.
The benefits include:
by eliminating fine particles and pollutants like sulfur dioxide and benzene, indoor air purifiers reduce the risk of respiratory issues;
with their HEPA filters, air purifiers effectively capture and remove common allergens, such as dust mites, pollen, pet dander and mold spores.
For more information on either our Health Survey or Air Filters, call or contact Tom Bailey, VCAN Secretary at 412.614.0227. Our email is
2. Yesterday, VCAN Board Members and Friends spoke to the Trust Distribution Board (TDB) of US Steel's Community Benefit Trust at the Liberty Borough Building. Five TDB members were present including Rich Lattanzi from Clairton, Tammy Firda from Lincoln and Elaina Skiba from Glassport.
The US Steel Community Benefit Trust is the result of the company's June, 2019 Settlement with Allegheny County Health Department over pollution violations at Clairton Coke Works (CCW). As a result, US Steel was required to put 90% of a $2.7 million civil penalty towards supporting the "adjacent" communities that surround the CCW. The remaining 10% went to the County's Clean Air Fund.
“The Settlement Agreement requires that Trust distributions must benefit the Adjacent Communities or the local environment through supplemental projects, and ”CCW“ directs that such supplemental projects must be anticipated to improve, protect, or reduce the risk to public health or the environment."
"Such supplemental projects may include providing funding to improve physical community
infrastructure (such as the creation or renovation of parks, green spaces, or playground spaces), or fostering the creation or expansion of programs that are aimed at directly improving the well-being of residents, and need not be air quality-related, as long as an environmental and/or public health benefit can be recognized (the “Trust Purposes”). Any project proposals submitted must demonstrate a reasonable probability that the project will be successful.” See US Steel Community Benefit Trust, Article I.
VCAN President Qiyam Ansari, Treasurer Fred Bickerton, Board members Germaine Gooden-Patterson, Johnie Perryman, Art Thomas, Dave & Cindy Meckel all addressed the TDB on these points:
our position on past TDB distributions not directly benefiting residents of Five Boroughs;
our experience with past and present air filter distributions; and
our desire to submit a proposal to TDB for funding/partnership for future air filter distributions to be considered at their August, 2024 meeting.
Liberty resident, Briana Gabriel, spoke of being very pleased with having received two air filters from VCAN. The filters have performed very well. In addition, Reverend Airgood from Clairton also spoke in support our proposal. Later in the meeting, he asked that TDB members explain some basic details to those in attendance about the projects that were approved for TDB funding or terminated from funding.
Tammy Firda from Lincoln Borough stated she was willing to "sit down" and discuss the possibility of our air filter program proposal. She made no promises. If you live in Clairton, Glassport, Port Vue, Liberty or Lincoln and you are enjoying cleaner indoor air now due to a VCAN air purifier, consider contacting your city or borough council members. Please comment on this article below or send us an email. Tom Bailey Secretary
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