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Does the Federal Government have data showing whether our air in Clairton and Glassport is clean?

Writer's picture: Valley Clean Air NowValley Clean Air Now

Fourth post explaining what I try to explain to people who ask me this question.

Please follow this link to the US Environmental Protection Agency's 2019 Air Toxic Screening Assessment page. The following is a quote from this page on the EPA's website:

"About the 2019 Assessment

The 2019 AirToxScreen assessment includes emissions, ambient concentrations, and exposure estimates for 181 of the 189 Clean Air Act air toxics plus diesel particulate matter (diesel PM). For about 140 of these air toxics (those with health data based on long-term exposure), the assessment estimates cancer risks, the potential for noncancer health effects, or both. This includes noncancer health effects for diesel PM. We did not include several air toxics in this AirToxScreen assessment because either no emissions data were reported for them in 2019 or we couldn’t reliably make emissions or health-related estimates (radionuclides, for example).

AirToxScreen includes four steps:

  1. Compile a national inventory of air toxics emissions from outdoor sources.

  2. Estimate ambient concentrations of air toxics across the United States.

  3. Estimate population exposures.

  4. Characterize potential public health risks due to breathing air toxics (including both cancer and noncancer effects)."

If you use the mapping tool on this EPA page you will be able to view a map showing the Five Boroughs in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. These include Clairton, Glassport, Liberty, Port Vue and Lincoln.

You will be able to view the EPA's data of air toxics released from facilities in the Five Boroughs. You will see the EPA's estimate of the ambient concentrations of those toxins and their estimate of the exposures the people in the Five Boroughs will have suffered. Finally, the EPA has also estimated what the potential health risks will be to the residents because they inhaled those same toxins.

After visiting and reading information on the EPA's 2019 Air Toxic Screening, you will know the answer to the first question in this post. Perhaps the EPA will update their website with current air toxic levels.


Valley Clean Air Now is a community-led movement for a better future. 

Glassport, PA

© 2024 Valley Clean Air Now

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